Daily Painters of Texas

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Can I Come Along - Male Angel Palette Knife Oil Painting by Judy Mackey

"Can I Come Along"
12" x  9", Oil on Board

The one thing that sometime scared me was, will my pets be cared for if I should leave?  The title is for that thought.  It's also a cool looking "dude" angel with sunglasses.

Just a thought - be sure to remember your pets in your wills, be sure to ask friends who will be guardians to take care of them and - update your wills!   I know this is not a topic/reminder you thought you'd find but since I'm painting Angels - I thought I'd just mention it!

Website:  JudyMackey.com
If you are interested in purchasing "Can I Come Along", please email me at judy@judymackey.com.  If you like my work, I hope you will refer me to your friends.

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