Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wild Rose Tea by Nancy Medina

Wild Rose Tea by Nancy Medina

Wild Rose Tea is drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, as the chilly winds blow through Texas. Despite the warm tea here and the content puggies nearby, the footheaters are working overtime to keep out winter. In the yard today, I was given a small gift - a morning glory in a shape I have never seen before. The star shaped blossom was braving the cold, and enjoying the sun, bucking adversity all the while just to share a little beauty for a few more days before going to sleep for the winter. What a treat! Take a peek at my blog to see the blossom I've shared with you. Thanks for walking with me these past weeks on my rose journey. Stay warm and keep blooming!


  1. I love the color in this. Makes me feel warm even though it's cold outside.

  2. Awesome. A painting you can spend some time looking at.



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