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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Plein Air Painting Workshop in Venice, Italy with Niki Gulley

"Romantic Journey" • Venice, Italy • SOLD
Pastel by Niki Gulley • 10" x 8"

I created this pastel during the workshop my husband and I taught in Venice this May and recently finished a few final details in the studio. We love the city, and there is so much inspiration in Venice between the art, architecture, canals and magical light that it's really hard to narrow down what to paint! On this day, we decided to stick with a classic view of the canals. I like the way light peeks through the narrow passageway and leads your eye from building to building, and the gondola that happened into the scene created the perfect finishing detail.

If interested in more information about our next Venice workshop this coming May, check out nikigulley.com. Sign up by Nov. 14th and save $300 on the cost of the trip!

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