Daily Painters of Texas

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Painting Workshop in Venice with Niki Gulley

"Window with a View" ©2009 Niki Gulley
pastel 12" x 9" • Venice, Italy

I created this pastel on the final day of our painting / photography workshop in Venice. We had beautiful weather all week and the last day we encountered some drizzle and had to paint under cover. I really liked this particular spot with the balcony overlooking the canal.

I always tell my students to get down the light and any movable objects quickly, and this was no exception! Less than a minute after I finished the gondola, its owner and 2 passengers cast off raindrops and all.

The early deadline for our May workshop in Venice and a $300 savings is quickly approaching. We'd love to have you join us! Visit NikiGulley.com for details.

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