Daily Painters of Texas

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

'Deeper in Color' Modern Equine Art Large Horse Daily Painting by Laurie Pace

'Deeper in Color'

24 x 36  Acrylic on Canvas

Contact me to purchase by check or paypal. Laurie

© Laurie Justus Pace     Graphics One Design 2009

The Painting:  It began late one night as I walked into the studio and had a glass of water in my hand. Typical in my moods as the dogs danced around my feet I poured water across the canvas and began my work.  It takes several days to do one of these paintings as the layering has to dry in between. This one took on life quickly as  the second and third layer of colors appeared and then the horse. I know I am in a groove when the eye of the horse settles in something I have precreated on the canvas.


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