Daily Painters of Texas

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Friday, October 30, 2009

The Party Begins Now-large painting of mountain man by Debbie Grayson Lincoln

24 X 30 Oil on Canvas
Contact Artist for Availability

I really had fun with this painting and I'm proud of the fact that I did not rush through it and followed my "game plan". I also thought a lot about the title and all it's levels.
If you notice, the horse in the foreground is wearing a rope halter - not a bridle. While painting this, I imagined the story behind it. These guys are trappers and they have been to the rendezvous and traded in their furs for supplies and things they need for the next year. Part of the trade was for whiskey (that's obvious). But the guy in the foreground also traded his well broke horse for a young, unbroke animal - a green horse that needs a lot of riding and experience before he becomes a solid mount. The trapper takes a risk in giving up his dependable horse for the young one, but if he recognizes a "diamond in the rough" and can successfully bring the young horse along in his training, then he has made a wise decision.
But in the meantime, the party begins now and the two friends can celebrate their good fortune! I suspect this one will go to the Dutch Art Gallery in time for Christmas, if I don't sell it myself first. CONTACT ME if you want it first!!!

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