Daily Painters of Texas

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Friday, January 20, 2023

New Orleans Garden District Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley



"Oak Beauties," New Orleans  ©2022 Niki Gulley
12" x 9" palette knife oil painting

On our plein air painting and photography workshop my husband and I taught in New Orleans, we rode the trolley to the Garden District and set out to capture the beautiful architecture so distinctive of the area. I was attracted to this grand pink house, and in particular I loved the huge old oak tree framing it. The dappled light hitting the trunk was so striking that I decided to accentuate that in my painting with a multitude of colors and values while making the background soft to keep the composition from becoming too cluttered. The sheer size and age of the trees in New Orleans is incredible, which I set out to show juxtaposing the massive oak against the smaller two-story homes in the distance. Created with palette knife and a lot of oil paint, this canvas is loaded with texture and uplifting colors so that you feel the joy and energy of hanging out in New Orleans.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.


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