Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Saturday, October 19, 2019


I got up this morning and headed out...as soon as the dog and cat were fed of course...first thing that happened is I stopped at Valero for a water bottle and went back to my car...turned the key and click.click.click...nothing...UGH.  Well a guardian angel tapped on my window and said hey your battery's dead.  Duh...well he was kind enough to get it going for me.  I've needed a new battery for a while and so that's on the list for next week.  Even so, I did two little Gouaches, again from the safety of my car, sitting in the front seat with my little pochade box leaning on the steering wheel (after making sure everything in the car was off).  It was a great day, warmed up a bit but still was fun.  The couple below were watching their son play football  and you could tell they were really getting into the game...as I happened across the Morgan Mill school having their Saturday morning football game...
The house (#2 painting for the day) was abandoned but had a nice pull in.  I thought it looked interesting and couldn't help day dreaming about the family that once lived here.  An abandoned farmhouse always makes me feel a little bit sad...
thanks for reading my ramblings.

Saturday morning Football
Gouache study in my Moleskin  sketch book Approximately 4x6
Alice Doesn't live here anymore 6x8 gouache on crescent board
 Thankfully the car started when the last painting was finished...Yay.

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