Daily Painters of Texas

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jimmy Longacre_subjective realist landscape paintings_ MORE ON VALUES AND COLOR

Painted in the studio, after re-inventing a plein air study that doesn't look much like this.  I was mainly trying to capture the time of day and suggest the depth in the scene. I decided to jump into a more complex problem, after my exercises with simple compositions. I really had to apply the things I mentioned in my last post.  Simplifying things down to design the shapes in the light and the shapes in the dark into two big separate groups.  Then, we have a chance at painting what otherwise would result in visual chaos.  It always impresses me how important it is to work out the separation of values in the big shapes.  I try to block-in each of those simple shapes as flat silhouettes in their average value and dominant color.  If we get those properly related it's easy enough to go back and add a lighter or darker value shift to suggest more "detail" without trying to paint "things".

©Jimmy Longacre 2017
16x20 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
subjective realist landscape paintings


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