Daily Painters of Texas

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

You Know You're in France When - Flower Paintings by Nancy Medina

Wild Abandon Sunflower II
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

My French sojourn continues, and I have lost count of the days. I no longer know what day of the week it is, nor how many days until time to return home. Time is marked by the ringing of the church bells just down the lane. Each day begins with breakfast plates filled with warm croissants and homemade plum jelly from the trees near the hollyhock garden, eggs, fruit, and other treats. Instead of trips to the gym, my workout consists of scooting myself and my paint brushes from the patio table (when the sun encroaches upon my perfect perch) to a rose garden bench, or to the stone grotto surrounded by sunflowers. Each day is like a gift, with trips to neighboring markets and medieval villages for shopping, sketching, and exploring. In the meantime, I've begun to recognize the signs that clearly indicate this Texas gal is no longer in the Big D!

Here are a few signs that you, too, might just be in France this week....read more...

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