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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

FOOD DANCE - QUINCE by Linda Popple

6x6 Oil on Panel

        $100.00 plus S&H

I've never eaten a quince and didn't eat this one.  I would like to try one.  I've heard they are good, so I looked for some recipes and found one (several, actually) at Serious Eats.  It looks good enough to try!


About This Recipe

YIELD:makes one cocktail
ACTIVE TIME:5 minutes
TOTAL TIME:5 minutes
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT:cocktail shaker
THIS RECIPE APPEARS IN:3 Quince Cocktails to Make at Home
  • 1 ounce homemade quince syrup (below)
  • 1 ounce brandy
  • 1 ounce heavy cream
  • 1 barspoon Frangelico
  • Freshly grated nutmeg, for garnish


  1. 1
    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add quince syrup, brandy, heavy cream, and Frangelico. Shake until well chilled, about 20 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg and serve.


    About This Recipe

    YIELD:makes about 1 1/4 cup syrup
    ACTIVE TIME:20 minutes
    TOTAL TIME:1 hour 15 minutes
    SPECIAL EQUIPMENT:fine mesh strainer
    THIS RECIPE APPEARS IN:3 Quince Cocktails to Make at Home
    • 2 pounds quince, peeled and cut into quarters
    • 5 cups water
    • 1/2 cup honey
    • 1/2 cup sugar


    1. 1
      In a large saucepan, combine the quince, water, honey, and sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
    2. 2
      Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer until the quince are fork tender, 45-50 minutes.
    3. 3
      Let cool slightly and strain off the syrup. There should be about 1 1/4 cup of syrup. If not, add water or gently reduce over low heat. Reserve the poached quince for another use and refrigerate the syrup until ready to use.

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