Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Cascading Rhythms" Palette Knife Oil Painting by Niki Gulley

“Cascading Rhythms” ©2014 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” textured oil on canvas

Water pounds its way down the falls: cascading, rushing, charging into the riverbed -- flowing over rocks, swiftly moving forward. Untamed, the surge finds its way over, under, around the boulder-strewn river. Tumbling waters drive up mists above the falls, the rhythmic sounds create a soothing harmony below. Autumn’s low light casts long lines through the Aspen trees and glowing verge.

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary landscape paintings.

Please visit NikiGulley.com.

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