Daily Painters of Texas

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Shade Pink and White Peonies by Nancy Medina


Winter Shade Pink and White Peonies
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

It's been a regular Peony Parade in the studio this week, with petals falling, flowers tipping, and pugs snoring! This is about as wild as parties get here in Flower Mound Studio, unless of course the Director acquires a new squeaky toy. Then it's pandemonium for about five minutes, until the demise of the toy's squeaker. We are all excited about Christmas, and Mom in particular has been asking all day what she will be getting. She has her heart set on a big can of cheese and caramel popcorn so guess who is shopping for cheese and caramel popcorn tomorrow!

Piles and piles of peonies!

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