Daily Painters of Texas

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Work in Progress by Judy Crowe

Paint mixtures and Palette
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Different Vase

Hi Friends,  Well, I did paint today even after I woke up not feeling wonderfully....with a little sore throat.  I have made it through the day though thanks to ibuprofen...-didn't make it to church which I usually do on Sunday morning but watched In Touch with Charles Stanley instead on TV.  It was very good...... If my studio had been anywhere else but home, I probably would not have attempted to make it there but since I already had these beautiful flowers sitting waiting on me, I at least pushed some paint around.  Here is my progress.  The flowers that were sitting in the kitchen (1st photo) were so pretty.  My husband had brought them in from the yard, but I did not want to attempt to paint the whole lot, so I took several out and put them in a smaller vase in the studio.  (2nd photo) I thought I would show you my progress and hopefully will finish this tomorrow.  I hope this painting turns out and we'll see how I feel tomorrow!  At any rate, I painted and that was my goal today.  Wish me luck and thanks for checking in!  Now off to finish the black eyed peas.  I have to feed my son who leaves for his new job in Austin tomorrow!

My palette:  Cad Lemon, Rembrandt, Cad Yellow lt, Rembrandt, Indian Yellow, Gamblin, Permanent Rose, Windsor Newton,  Scarlett, Rembrandt, Permanent Alizarin, Gamblin, Ultramarine Blue, Rembrandt

My Start
Will have to finish tomorrow!  (hopefully)
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