Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer Music by Judy Crowe

Summer Music

Summer Music 12x24 oil on linen

A Big Thank you to those that leave comments.  You don't know how much they matter to me and how much they are appreciated.  All I can say is thank you.  This painting is larger and so not for auction.  It will be taking a trip to Atlanta for the annual AWA (American Women Artist's Association) show which will open at the Huff Harrington Gallery on October 14.  If any of you live in that area and would like to attend, I would love to meet you.  The opening is that Friday evening at 6 pm.  Please come and introduce yourself.  Fortunately, my sister lives in Atlanta so I have 2 reasons to go...to visit my sis and also to go to the show. www.huffharrington.com  www.americanwomenartists.org

Thanks for visiting my blog!  Have a wonderful weekend.
My Website www.judycrowe.com.
Contact me Link Here

My 50/50 thingy....will continue.  I have about 10 paintings to go to finish this and will be posting another 5 x 5 this weekend sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at the show. This looks like a winner to me. The fresh strokes and crisp colors are a show stopper.



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