Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lemon Souffle Rose Bouquet by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Lemon Souffle Rose Bouquet
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas Panel

Shop in My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Lemon Souffle is a bit like how my brain feels following two days of learning the new OS Lion operating system for the Mac in my art studio. I'm sure there is a flow chart in some computer geek's cubicle with the following course of events:

Software Upgrade/Improvement Occurs
Client Freaks Out
Clients Go Into Denial (I took a nap)
Client Gets Angry (I posted help messages on all the discussion boards)
Client Bargains (I begged Apple for my old operating system back)
Client Enters Acceptance Phase (I learned the new system works better)

If any of you saw my posts on Facebook pleading for help, you may disregard. With the exception of having to boot the old MSN/hotmail email account, all is well in Flower Mound Studio. Take a peek at my art blog to see a larger detail from Lemon Souffle.

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