“Passage of Illumination” ©2011 Niki Gulley
48” x 60” textured oil on canvas
Wander down this path that beckons you and lift your eyes heavenward to that cobalt vault lined by a rainbow of vivid greens and golds and gleaming crimson, purposely choosing these warm vibrant colors to suggest a hopeful future. Like an ancient chorus these joyful trees sing with dazzling colors, a call and respond to each other across the enticing path that traces verses of light and dark, hue and color, an alluring siren song leading you into the depths of this radiant, vanishing horizon. A painting rich in color and light, joy and energy its double bowed composition gently leads gently you into this magical, blissful destination.
To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please stop by my booth at the Lincoln Park Arts & Music Festival in Chicago this weekend. Visit
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information.
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