Daily Painters of Texas

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Hope Hydrangea Painting by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Good Hope Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas Board

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Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Good Hope Hydrangeas is drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, as the puggies dream on their new ultra comfy memory foam bed nearby. I had been working on the setup for Good Hope in my mind for a week. I knew I wanted to paint pink watermelon, but I couldn't decide if pink hydrangeas would work with pink watermelon, or if white hydrangeas would be better. Since this is probably the last hurrah for my white hydrangeas, which appear on the brink of collapse, they made the decision for me. The most difficult part of the painting was fending off the studio assistants, who were quite certain they could contribute valuable assistance with the delicious smelling watermelon prop. Take a peek at my art blog to see the setup for Good Hope Hydrangeas.

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