Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Touched by Gold aspen painting by Niki Gulley

"Touched by Gold" ©2010 Niki Gulley
30" x 30" oil on canvas

Aspen trees are one of my favorite subjects to paint. I love their peeling bark and the color of the trunks in addition to the beautiful tinkling sounds the leaves make blowing in the wind. In this painting, I wanted to try something different and rather than show a whole grove of trees in the landscape, I wanted to focus in and concentrate on the wonderful texture in the trunks and the uniqueness of each knot, so you really notice the beauty of each aspen.

If you'd like more information on "Touched by Gold," e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com.

Or to see more of my paintings, visit my website at NikiGulley.com.

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