Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Starting a New Life by Kay Wyne

Starting a New Life
Oil on 48" x 60" on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Palette Knife Painting
This contemporary palette knife painting is finished! This a very large canvas with layers and and layers of color. Vibrant colors. The paint is applied with the knife, giving it lots of texture. Last week Lindsay Wyne (soon to be Mrs. Wesley Henry) asked me to paint something for the newlywed's apartment. I knew that the couple wanted lots of color. So I decided to make a statement with my palette knife. This painting of aspens is colorful, fun, fresh, bold, full of energy and it makes you smile. That is exactly how I feel when I see Lindsay and Wes together. They have a wonderful relationship and are getting married in a couple of weeks, starting a new life together. They are so happy. I hope that they feel joy when they see this painting. Best wishes to Wes and Lindsay!

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