Daily Painters of Texas

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Light at the Head - Thaw Malin iii

"Light At The Head"

"Light At The Head", this is a small painting, 6" x 8", oil on canvas panel.

I haven't painted with another painter since, maybe, May. Partly because I never know where I am going to go. And partly because cell service is so bad up-island that I couldn't say where I was when I got there. Today was different. My old friend and painting partner, Cheri, came out with me. It still didn't stop me from driving around in circles stopping and looking to find THE place. However, when we got there, we KNEW it! We had a lot of fun painting and talking. She has been painting in the studio all year on mostly large canvases and has been dying to get outside to work and I am really ready to go into my studio and work on larger pieces. So we were able to compare lots of ideas with each other while we worked. And, of course, the sun did not disappoint us...

If you'd like to purchase, please click Go to my Auction, bidding starts at $100.00 US.

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Other works found at Thaw Malin Art

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