Daily Painters of Texas

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Friday, August 6, 2010

Blossom Benediction - Geraniums by Nancy Medina

Blossom Benediction - Geraniums
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
Daily Painters Gallery

Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Blossom Benediction Geraniums is drying on the easel as a summer thunderstorm rolls into North Texas. The wind is whipping the trees around in the back yard and the sky is dark as night to the east. All of this drama is giving us a break from the heat wave. I do love a good window rattling thunderstorm!

Today I was supposed to troop out to the Dallas Aboretum for plein air painting, but my dear friend Judy Mackey and I opted to stay indoors. If we had braved the heat, the afternoon would have ended for me in a nap, instead of this new painting! Now I know why the folks in Spain have siesta....

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