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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tuffy - buckskin bay horse oil painting

8 3/4 X 7 Oil on canvas board $115
Includes shipping and insurance
Tuffy was aptly named. His right ear has a bite taken out of it, undoubtedly by another horse that he was aggravating. Tuffy evidently didn't learn his lesson, though, because he still insists that he is boss, despite the fact that he is only 14 hands. A horse with a Napoleon complex! I admire his tenacity.
Tuffy boarded at our place for a couple months and roomed with Easy, which was an OK arrangement. Easy gets along with everyone, so long as they leave Dandy alone. I had to put Dandy and her momma in a separate pasture to avoid squabbles. Horses usually work these things out eventually - but not always without injury . So rather than risk bruises or worse (bitten off ears!) we just kept the girls separate. Tuffy is actually one of the prettiest paints I have had the pleasure of riding. His markings are quite balanced and he has a classic chiseled head. He's supposed to come back for another stay later, and I look forward to getting more photos of him.

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Price: $115 USD
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